Wednesday, July 17, 2024

 The great reset-or-what is the revolution against?


Some citizens have a lot.  Some citizens have very little.

In socialism/communism-same genetic material, privilege is not earned.  It is seized.

Privilege is retained by excluding the masses from sharing in it by whatever means are considered  necessary.  What succeeds best are rules that are practically impossible  to be fully obeyed especially if even a microscopic display of open minded thinking is displayed.  This extrapolates into a reality where open minded thinking brains become unlawful.

The privileged turn this unlawfulness  into imprisonment and exclusionary eternity for the guilty.  Additionally, this supreme guise implores the non-privileged  to find joyful existence under the thumb of those who provide equality sic equity to the unwashed masses.  Sadly those without privilege are horn swoggled to accept the bogus notion  that equity = equality.  The brazen  rise  through the ranks by calculated conjuring of mass disruptions. Within  this unique aspect of western democracy the revolution gathers momentum resembling the genesis of a hurricane.

Strange bedfellows indeed.  A random accidental death of a black drug addict perches a select few on the lower limbs of the privilege tree at  cost that cannot be calculated.  The deception infects a Prime Minister who turns a lowly trucker protest  over insane  pandemic restrictions in a National Emergency requiring implementation of the War Measures Act. Armed dissolution, seized financial assets, kangaroo court cases follow.

Laws are created defining improper language use-even terms deeply imbedded in common usage  to be unlawful and punishable by fines or even imprisonment or minimally subjecting the guilty to 'reeducation'.

Extract wealth under the thin guise of taking from the rich and giving to the poor but with the unstated intent of turning governance into godliness. Total reliance on your 'compassionate' leadership for all your needs.  Embed indoctrination of the young unsuspecting  minds and souls to never know the exultation and realization of the ability to achieve astounding excellence.

Replace loving parental guidance and authority with a new normal that teaches reliance and inherent goodness and concern of the government gods that reward you with compliance to replace competitive ascension. Sadly and even more abhorrent children are being criminally encouraged to make permanent life altering changes around their gender issues.

In reality privilege has infected and created a chasm that divides society into a class warfare where no opportunity exists to aspire upwards with intelligence and effort.  Instead, a serpentish third entity determines the rules created and administered by an ELITE overlord (themselves) to encourage, enable and invigorate a malignant malaise between the haves and the have nots.  Without a deep dive into this rabbit hole it is not an irrational conclusion that a fellow name Marx hatched out  much of this vision for the future.  Especially he casted the significant bricks that affirmed the adversarial necessity of this relationship.

The end game of terminating ascension to excellence comes with turning the mighty vessel of freedom of information into freedom from information. Those without privilege do not get to know what is left out of the story.