Monday, January 15, 2007

With a sociologist now the Liberal Leader of Canada, its time for voters to prepare themselves to be manipulated for their votes on a level they have never experienced before.
To have any possibility of understanding what this means a little sociological kindergarten should be compulsory for everyone of voting age.
Unless of course you have a sociologist in your midst.
If so it may be too late …you have to vote Liberal just to keep yourself out of therapy.

Having only received a few glancing blows from contact with a sociologist in training, studying for a PHD, I was able to turn on my computer and google to an enlightening website as I fought off the urge to declare allegiance to the Big Red L party.

So just what do sociologists believe?
How do they think?
What kind of soil are they rooted in?

The one thing I discovered when having a discussion with my sociologist friend is that it was very difficult to have a very enlightening conversation. That sociologist intellect provided such a higher insight on any worthy subject that it was difficult to communicate intelligently on any level lower than their own. And it seemed to me that if I did make a good point, the response became a plethora of large words that the whole point of the conversation wound down to an uncomfortable silence of change of topic.

Cutting back to the political scene, I was amazed how quickly Mr. Dionne was able to create sociological momentum in the way of casting out the spectre of Prime Minister Stephen Harper as the “worst” Prime Minister ever in terms of his environmental record.

Suddenly it seemed nearly every news commentary and government related story had some reference to global warming, and the incredible blame that needed to be layed at the feet of the minority government eco terror leader who has changed the course of global climate change in a few short months in power.

This slickly crafted strategy has us average Canadians hardly know what is happening to us. It’s like we have suddenly been given spiritual insight. Of course! The secret plan of that Conservative scoundrel…We should have known there was a diabolical plan hidden in the dark heart of Mr. Harper.

So if Mr. Dionne can uncover this global mystery in his first few weeks isn’t it just common sense knowledge to put this man in control so he can save our great land.

My sociologist friend says a good education provides the opportunity to become a critical thinker. Grasping that thought I head to my google site.

Wouldn’t you know it, critical thinking is mentioned in the first two paragraphs of the web page.
Quickly the page moves to the topic of how sociologists go about socially modifying knowledge.
“The sociology of knowledge involves the social psychology of consciousness and belief. This cognitive branch alerts us to the facts that we live in a second-hand world, that most of what we "know" is generally received uncritically from others, and that models of decision-making must take into account the roles of pluralistic ignorance, emotion, and the bearing of knowledge type (e.g., scientific, religious, commonsensical…”

The simple fact in this statement is that if you have not been taught “critical thinking” then you do not have the capability to decifer what is fact.

The underlying sociological theme we are being drawn into is that there is no right and wrong in the world so we as individuals can choose whatever we think is right.

Once we’re in that mind set we’ll believe anything, even the fact or non-fact that we have the most credible, straightforward, straight talking Prime Minister in Canada in decades.
We’ll even start to believe that we have a Prime Minister who has managed to govern effectively in a minority parliament for a short period of time has somehow managed to create an environmental disaster in Canada.

I think that Mr. Dionne has so little in the way of real issues to deal with that he dug into his sociological mind set to figure out a way of creating a magical mystery tour that will lead the catastrophe of global warming to the Prime Minster’s doorstep.

Sitting in Vancouver in January 2007 with a foot of snow on the ground and -10 I’m thinking global climate adjustment. Global climate adjustment has been with us since the beginning of time and in my house we believe there’s a Big Guy in charge of all of it and His name is not Stephen Harper.

Monday, January 08, 2007

If we obey just one of Gods Laws: love our neighbour as we love ourselves, it would solve nearly all of the worlds strife. Think about this in the context of a news story about Muslims in a California town who requested a day off from school to honor a Muslim holiday and in reaction to the school board that voted to eliminate all religious holidays including Christmas and Easter.
From a Christian viewpoint it is a terrible infringement on something we thought was our right... is part of who we are. Additionally there is a likely hood for Christians to blame Muslims for the elimination of Christian holidays.
This whole question of religious difference is something that is really tearing apart people who essentially are worshiping the same God. Along the way Jesus Christ set a new covenant that Jews chose to disregard and over a twelve hundred years later Mohammed began a new offshoot when he believed that God had spoken to him about another way to be in relationship with Allah.
These differences really are at the centre of much of what is going on in the world today. Fighting in the name of the God they believe in. No one knows Gods plan in this. Great harm is being done to those people living outside of any of these belief systems. Many young people choose to not have any belief system because they don’t want to take part in fighting over who is right.
As a Christian I believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and will return one day and Bible prophecy says that day will be when Jews believe he is their Saviour.
In terms of how we are going to get to that day these religions , these people who worship the same God have to find ways to respect and acknowledge their differences and do that while worshiping God in their way and loving one another as they would want themselves to be loved…obeying Gods Law. Ultimately that is how we will get to the day when we all are under one roof so to speak.
When that happens the whole world will see a new way of understanding that we are all children of one God one Creator. New desire for worshiping God will flourish.

Maybe this issue of Christian holidays can lead us, since our laws, in our democracy set standards that come from Biblical belief. Daily we see those standards being chipped away by secular reasoning and that is way out of the comfort zone.

If we’re going to be a leader in change, Christians needs to show mercy, forgiveness and grace and love for our neighbours, our kin who believe in the same God but at this time in history just don’t see it in the same way. In terms of Christian holidays democratic countries possibly need to learn to accept and honor other religious holidays.

Today in Muslim countries just the admission that you are a Christian could be life threatening. This does not add up with the ultimate truth of Gods will through Jesus Christ. The extremist Islamic belief that they are on a world mission to wipe out Christians and Jews creates extreme wariness. If peaceful existence and tolerance is truly a cornerstone for doing Gods will, whether Jewish, Islamic or Christian those forces need to step forward and make themselves known to their brothers and sisters.
Change is slow and difficult. Christians and Muslims do not know each other well and we hear much that is not true about the other. If we are to find common ground it must come from making Gods Love the major force….God centered love in the hearts of many will create acceptance of one Creator.

God’s plan for us and Christ’s promise to us is based upon the reality that we do have to change the way we look at things. We as believers in God our Creator must initiate and grow this change that is going to come about as history unfolds so that one day we can worship our One God.
As Christians we must avoid the self righteousness that we were right along and it just took the rest of you a while to come on board. We must grow toward that place where we all recognize the same path to salvation.

Once we become a united force in love, only then can we see the forces of Satan incredibly weakened. As long as this fighting among ourselves is so prevalent we give great power to the choice to not acknowledge God in any framework.
There needs to be all Gods children under one roof for the days of glory to come upon us.