When we hear of arrests in western society…
When we hear what is described as unfair treatment abusing the ‘rights’ of the arrested person…
It would be enlightening to know what being ‘arrested’ can mean.
The meaning of arrest cannot be more graphically explained than through the words of Alexandor Solzhaneetsyn in the opening chapter of Gulag Archepalego, his Pulitzer Prize winning book about life in Russia. Then, “arrest” terrorized to tens of thousands.(Page 3)
He described arrest as’ a blinding flash and a blow which shifts the present instantly into the past….The traditional image of arrest became trembling hands packing for the victim and no one knows what is permitted.’ His words scorch the pages as though synapsed from raw nerve endings to raw nerve endings, arking from memory to fingertips, to be revealed stark and real on the page so that the reader is conjoined to Solzhaneetsyns’ soul searching account of what life in Russia became after 1917 when Tzarist ruled was ended by the rebellion and take over by the workers.
He revealed a history of decades of human suffering that surpassed any before it and yet was unknown to the rest of the world And how did this man describe it?
“We didn’t love freedom enough. In 1917 we hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
“The principal revulsion you feel is against the humiliating, repulsive spiritual baseness that once was pride and implacability.”
Solzhaneetsyn asks the questions: What do you need to make you stronger? How can you stand your ground when you are weak and sensitive to pain, arrests, interrogations and prison conditions that we cannot imagine were the formidable weapons? Page 130
The reply of an old woman who held fast TO HER Christian and moral principals describes how victory comes. “There is nothing you can do to me even if you cut me to pieces. After all, you are afraid of your bosses and you are afraid of each other and you are even afraid of killing me. But I am not afraid of anything. I would be glad to be judged by God right this minute.”
Power is a poison well known for thousands of years. To the human being who has faith in some force that holds dominion over all of us and who is therefore conscious of his own limitations, power is not necessarily fatal. For those however who are unaware of any higher sphere it is a deadly poison. For them there is no antidote.
Solzhaneetsyn saw first hand evil working at its most revolting level. AS Christians we identify and knowledge where good and evil come from. God and Satan respectively. But it is difficult to describe how these forces work within us. Solzhaneetsyn says, if only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them.
There is irony in these sentences because it actually describe what those in power in Russia at that time said they were doing. A human solution to the problem which we now understand to be an evolution based line of thought which assumes that all life emerged from the slime and humans are the most intelligent level of slime. Thereforeit is inherent within us to devise the perfect solution to the problem.
A.S. goes on to write; But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart? One and the same human being is at various ages, under various circumstances, a totally different human being. At time he is close to being a devil, at times to sainthood.
He acknowledges God in his writing. But it seems that in this writing he chooses not to acknowledge Satan and how he flourishes in an environment and ideology that has no God present.
It is through this window though that there is stark insight that unmasks the terror and havoc that Satan creates.. The freedom we experience in the western world is built around Gods principals but they are being eroded from our laws and we need to make sure we love our freedom enough that we don’t throw it away to those who are trying to convince humanity that it’s the smartest and most intelligent force.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
About the three Bibles on my nightstand
Let me tell you about the three Bibles on my nightstand.
Hands down, the Bible is the world’s most popular book. It is also maintained that many Bibles are never read. In our house, there are at least 6 and I’m pretty certain that if I searched a bit there are two or three more.
Probably the most and best used of these is that of my mother-in law, Rolette Proskiw. It was literally worn out from daily use over many years. I wish I could say that the three next to my bed are witness to her level of devotion to God’s Word…but I can’t. The reason these Bibles are there is because they do represent compelling evidence that the Lord watched over me during too many years when I most certainly never considered Him to be the master of my life. Not that I wasn’t presented with opportunities but my human weakness –my human nature- mistakenly thought it was me in control of all the important decisions in my life.
The oldest of these Bibles is a black, hard covered New Testament. The binding is broken and it must be carefully held together when picked up. Incredibly, no pages are missing. Inside the front cover is the name M.H.D.Allen, my grandmother. I remember her with the memory of a boy between the ages of five and 13. During those years, we lived in the same home in southeastern Nova Scotia in a tiny village named Sable River West. It is the only time we ever spent together except through photographs, letters and possibly the occasional long distance phone call. Sable River West is also inscribed on the inside cover of this New Testament, printed in London, England in 1921. I did the math to figure out that my grandmother would have been 34 or older when she received this Bible.
I don’t know a lot about her Christian life, but I do remember an extremely warm-hearted person and enough family history to know that she held firm Baptist beliefs. The signature and the writing of Sable River West in the New Testament I recognize as her distinctive elegant penmanship. Inside the next blank page is a handwritten Bible verse that is obviously not her writing. I assume the person who gave her this New Testament wrote it. There is no identifying signature. The verse from the Old Testament is Psalm 1-3.
And he shall be like the tree planted by the rivers of waters that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
The giver of this Bible seems to have carefully chosen a verse that points to the enrichment and reward that lies within the wisdom of God. Whether or not this particular gift opened the door for my grandmothers’ life with Christ I can’t say but it seems there was clear Christian intent and knowledge from some one.
I’m sure my grandmother had other Bibles although this one was obviously well used and at some point had been scotch taped by what must have been some of the earliest scotch tape ever made. This New Testament was among my Dad’s personal possessions. My mother gave it to me along with other items. My Dad has been gone for a number of years. I really had no clear recollection of having it in my possession until this past year.
An authorized King James Version in extremely fine print is the second Bible on my nightstand. Given to me by my grandmother, the first page, in perfect lettering says presented to: Glenn Terrence Allen by Grammie Allen Date March 3, 1958. That was 19 days before my 10th birthday. Regrettably I have no recollection at all of receiving this gift. There are a few verses marked or highlighted in red pencil that could have been marked during Sunday school at the Baptist church in Sable River West or verses she wanted me to read. This Bible spent many, many years lying alone in drawers or boxes. All I can say with certainty is that some of the seeds of my Christian beliefs were planted with the help of this Bible and the person who gave it to me.
Inscribed inside the cover of the third Bible, also a King James Version but larger than the previous one and with bigger print are the words:
Presented to Glenn (Valerie) Allen and family
By Mother Rolette Proskiw
Date January 20, 1977.
Please read often to the family.
I have often described Rolette as the perfect mother-in-law. God presented her with many challenges including that of raising five children with out their father –taken from them by cancer when four of them were challenging teenagers. Rolette had a faith so large and strong that she was able to know that her heavenly Father would see her through the most difficult of days and give her many days and moments of joy. So the fact that her second youngest daughter married a hippy looking guy, going to college who would ultimately take her several hundred miles away did not prevent her from loving her son-in-law and never having a harsh word for him even though he probably didn’t fit even her wildest dream of a fitting husband for her daughter.
The events of this gift of a Bible, which was given to us 5 years after our marriage, are also not significant in my memory. But these days, sometimes during Bible study in our home I will bring out this Bible to read a ‘classic’ version of scripture we are studying to contrast the NIV study Bible we use.
It has been over 5 years now that Val and I have rediscovered and recommitted our lives to service in Christ and more significantly for my self I now clearly understand that the Lord must be put at the head of my personal life and I work to fulfill that commitment every day to the best of my abilities. This includes daily Bible verse reading and prayer.
And these Bibles on my nightstand, well they are a small token of appreciation to my Heavenly Father. His greatest and free gift to me is salvation through Jesus Christ,
But the ‘Bible gifts’ inconspicuously accompanying me along life’s path ensured that I would come to the time in my life when I would finally know His incredible and unconditional love for me and fully accept Jesus as the unchallenged leader of my life.
And he shall be like the tree planted by the rivers of waters that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
The prophesy of these words written some 80 years ago enriches the knowledge of Gods plan for each of us and the incredible detail he prepares in advance.
God and his infinite love gently guided me to the circumstances where I could become a new improved Christian over the past few years. I have never been so filled with joy and I am overwhelmed with the certainty that it was no accident! He just waited for me to throw open the door to my heart and let the light flood in instead of seep in through a tiny little crack. I praise God and I love His Son with all my heart.
Hands down, the Bible is the world’s most popular book. It is also maintained that many Bibles are never read. In our house, there are at least 6 and I’m pretty certain that if I searched a bit there are two or three more.
Probably the most and best used of these is that of my mother-in law, Rolette Proskiw. It was literally worn out from daily use over many years. I wish I could say that the three next to my bed are witness to her level of devotion to God’s Word…but I can’t. The reason these Bibles are there is because they do represent compelling evidence that the Lord watched over me during too many years when I most certainly never considered Him to be the master of my life. Not that I wasn’t presented with opportunities but my human weakness –my human nature- mistakenly thought it was me in control of all the important decisions in my life.
The oldest of these Bibles is a black, hard covered New Testament. The binding is broken and it must be carefully held together when picked up. Incredibly, no pages are missing. Inside the front cover is the name M.H.D.Allen, my grandmother. I remember her with the memory of a boy between the ages of five and 13. During those years, we lived in the same home in southeastern Nova Scotia in a tiny village named Sable River West. It is the only time we ever spent together except through photographs, letters and possibly the occasional long distance phone call. Sable River West is also inscribed on the inside cover of this New Testament, printed in London, England in 1921. I did the math to figure out that my grandmother would have been 34 or older when she received this Bible.
I don’t know a lot about her Christian life, but I do remember an extremely warm-hearted person and enough family history to know that she held firm Baptist beliefs. The signature and the writing of Sable River West in the New Testament I recognize as her distinctive elegant penmanship. Inside the next blank page is a handwritten Bible verse that is obviously not her writing. I assume the person who gave her this New Testament wrote it. There is no identifying signature. The verse from the Old Testament is Psalm 1-3.
And he shall be like the tree planted by the rivers of waters that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
The giver of this Bible seems to have carefully chosen a verse that points to the enrichment and reward that lies within the wisdom of God. Whether or not this particular gift opened the door for my grandmothers’ life with Christ I can’t say but it seems there was clear Christian intent and knowledge from some one.
I’m sure my grandmother had other Bibles although this one was obviously well used and at some point had been scotch taped by what must have been some of the earliest scotch tape ever made. This New Testament was among my Dad’s personal possessions. My mother gave it to me along with other items. My Dad has been gone for a number of years. I really had no clear recollection of having it in my possession until this past year.
An authorized King James Version in extremely fine print is the second Bible on my nightstand. Given to me by my grandmother, the first page, in perfect lettering says presented to: Glenn Terrence Allen by Grammie Allen Date March 3, 1958. That was 19 days before my 10th birthday. Regrettably I have no recollection at all of receiving this gift. There are a few verses marked or highlighted in red pencil that could have been marked during Sunday school at the Baptist church in Sable River West or verses she wanted me to read. This Bible spent many, many years lying alone in drawers or boxes. All I can say with certainty is that some of the seeds of my Christian beliefs were planted with the help of this Bible and the person who gave it to me.
Inscribed inside the cover of the third Bible, also a King James Version but larger than the previous one and with bigger print are the words:
Presented to Glenn (Valerie) Allen and family
By Mother Rolette Proskiw
Date January 20, 1977.
Please read often to the family.
I have often described Rolette as the perfect mother-in-law. God presented her with many challenges including that of raising five children with out their father –taken from them by cancer when four of them were challenging teenagers. Rolette had a faith so large and strong that she was able to know that her heavenly Father would see her through the most difficult of days and give her many days and moments of joy. So the fact that her second youngest daughter married a hippy looking guy, going to college who would ultimately take her several hundred miles away did not prevent her from loving her son-in-law and never having a harsh word for him even though he probably didn’t fit even her wildest dream of a fitting husband for her daughter.
The events of this gift of a Bible, which was given to us 5 years after our marriage, are also not significant in my memory. But these days, sometimes during Bible study in our home I will bring out this Bible to read a ‘classic’ version of scripture we are studying to contrast the NIV study Bible we use.
It has been over 5 years now that Val and I have rediscovered and recommitted our lives to service in Christ and more significantly for my self I now clearly understand that the Lord must be put at the head of my personal life and I work to fulfill that commitment every day to the best of my abilities. This includes daily Bible verse reading and prayer.
And these Bibles on my nightstand, well they are a small token of appreciation to my Heavenly Father. His greatest and free gift to me is salvation through Jesus Christ,
But the ‘Bible gifts’ inconspicuously accompanying me along life’s path ensured that I would come to the time in my life when I would finally know His incredible and unconditional love for me and fully accept Jesus as the unchallenged leader of my life.
And he shall be like the tree planted by the rivers of waters that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
The prophesy of these words written some 80 years ago enriches the knowledge of Gods plan for each of us and the incredible detail he prepares in advance.
God and his infinite love gently guided me to the circumstances where I could become a new improved Christian over the past few years. I have never been so filled with joy and I am overwhelmed with the certainty that it was no accident! He just waited for me to throw open the door to my heart and let the light flood in instead of seep in through a tiny little crack. I praise God and I love His Son with all my heart.
The Spirit within us...
6 years into the 21st Century, it seems that God is guiding history in a direction that is going to draw Christian, Islamic and Jewish believers closer than they’ve ever been.
Geographically we see increasing migration into each other’s dominant territories.
Philosophically we have historically high exposure and access to information and views that validate these three different belief paths that ultimately lead us back through the descendents of Abraham to Almighty God.
Fearfully and sometimes accusingly the world witnesses the horrors of angry conflict that accompany extreme rigidity in the belief of absolute right and wrong and the influence of those who exploit these differences for their own agendas.
As if to prove to those who claim that the human race has defied all common sense odds and reason, to evolve from single cells in slime to the top of the intelligence ladder, God seems out to demonstrate we are His Own creation in His Own image and within us, there are complexities to humanity far, far above our ability to comprehend.
Until about 5 centuries ago there really was no credence whatsoever given to the concept that there is no such thing as an unseen or “parallel” universe…a place wherein a power resides that rules over everything in the world that we live in. From the question: “What if there is no god?” grew the concept of evolution.
In its extreme implementation, the world witnessed the horrendous flaws in this concept when Lenin was able to achieve control of a disillusioned population in Russia and ultimately failed to snuff out the undeniable reality that God is encoded within us.
In the late 20th and early 21st centuries another more subtle approach to godless thinking concentrates on ‘factual proof’ of evolution, a university centered sociological bias that empowers and entitles each and every human being to have an opinion that is right and that wrong is not your fault or a sinful nature but more plausibly a bad decision that can usually be blamed on how your mother raised you, a corporate evil empire that controls privilege or chauvinistic intolerance. This is proving to be a powerful argument in the sense that it desensitizes the concept of right and wrong which is a cornerstone of religious belief.
However there is increasing statistical validity to an increasing gravitation toward the original human sense that there is a spiritual component within us that is not touchable or visible but undeniably truthful in its existence. Of course if that is true then it is also true that there is undeniable ‘untruth’.
There are also more controversial confirming statistics that indicate that the most growth in spiritual belief is that as described in the Christian Bible and specifically in the Triune God as told through the story of Jesus Christ.
Trinity is not an easy concept for the human mind to wrap itself around even for most Christians. Ultimately and firstly, it requires the acceptance of an Almighty God with whom all outcomes rest or are known in advance. Secondly we believe that Gods’ omnipotence, Jesus Christ, came to earth through a virgin birth, walked among humans as one of them and conscripted the disciples who would spearhead the deliverance of His message to future generations. Thirdly we believe that through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and His ascension to Heaven, the Holy Spirit was made available to every child of God for the rest of time for the rest of their lives from the moment of salvation. This free gift accepted through faith in what is unseen guarantees our ticket to eternal life.
One of the best introductions to Jesus Christ is presented through the Alpha program which has spread exponentially around the world as a non denominational, exceptionally frank and truthful look at the incredible story of Jesus and his life guiding, life changing message.
The truth in the story of Jesus is what Christians hold up as Gods’ Living Word in comparison to the Laws of Moses and the writings of Mohammed.
The strength of belief is super human. There is no measuring the strength of belief established in a fully mature expression of faith whether it comes from a Christian, Jewish or Islamic belief system or for that matter other religions.
Changing beliefs also requires superhuman achievement or divine intervention. Ultimately it must be rooted in a pursuit and desire to go in the direction of what is the truth.
The most controversial of these truths requires examination of three central figures: Moses, Mohammed and Jesus. If Jesus is who He claims, God made known to us in perfectness, albeit in a human form by all earthly standards, then He is delivering the truth.
Moses and Mohammed make no such claims to divinity. Their credence is empowered through direct wisdom from God.
Believing that Jesus too was ‘just’ a man makes the leap of faith that He asks for a much more difficult or even impossible decision to make.
Obeying Laws and measuring heavenly worth in deeds seem better measuring sticks of allegiance to God or Allah.
God as our all powerful creator and heavenly Father, would not mistakenly open the gates to our heavenly home by earthly means and actions. The truth is we must believe in what is not seen and know the truth that he sent Jesus for our eternal salvation.
Geographically we see increasing migration into each other’s dominant territories.
Philosophically we have historically high exposure and access to information and views that validate these three different belief paths that ultimately lead us back through the descendents of Abraham to Almighty God.
Fearfully and sometimes accusingly the world witnesses the horrors of angry conflict that accompany extreme rigidity in the belief of absolute right and wrong and the influence of those who exploit these differences for their own agendas.
As if to prove to those who claim that the human race has defied all common sense odds and reason, to evolve from single cells in slime to the top of the intelligence ladder, God seems out to demonstrate we are His Own creation in His Own image and within us, there are complexities to humanity far, far above our ability to comprehend.
Until about 5 centuries ago there really was no credence whatsoever given to the concept that there is no such thing as an unseen or “parallel” universe…a place wherein a power resides that rules over everything in the world that we live in. From the question: “What if there is no god?” grew the concept of evolution.
In its extreme implementation, the world witnessed the horrendous flaws in this concept when Lenin was able to achieve control of a disillusioned population in Russia and ultimately failed to snuff out the undeniable reality that God is encoded within us.
In the late 20th and early 21st centuries another more subtle approach to godless thinking concentrates on ‘factual proof’ of evolution, a university centered sociological bias that empowers and entitles each and every human being to have an opinion that is right and that wrong is not your fault or a sinful nature but more plausibly a bad decision that can usually be blamed on how your mother raised you, a corporate evil empire that controls privilege or chauvinistic intolerance. This is proving to be a powerful argument in the sense that it desensitizes the concept of right and wrong which is a cornerstone of religious belief.
However there is increasing statistical validity to an increasing gravitation toward the original human sense that there is a spiritual component within us that is not touchable or visible but undeniably truthful in its existence. Of course if that is true then it is also true that there is undeniable ‘untruth’.
There are also more controversial confirming statistics that indicate that the most growth in spiritual belief is that as described in the Christian Bible and specifically in the Triune God as told through the story of Jesus Christ.
Trinity is not an easy concept for the human mind to wrap itself around even for most Christians. Ultimately and firstly, it requires the acceptance of an Almighty God with whom all outcomes rest or are known in advance. Secondly we believe that Gods’ omnipotence, Jesus Christ, came to earth through a virgin birth, walked among humans as one of them and conscripted the disciples who would spearhead the deliverance of His message to future generations. Thirdly we believe that through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and His ascension to Heaven, the Holy Spirit was made available to every child of God for the rest of time for the rest of their lives from the moment of salvation. This free gift accepted through faith in what is unseen guarantees our ticket to eternal life.
One of the best introductions to Jesus Christ is presented through the Alpha program which has spread exponentially around the world as a non denominational, exceptionally frank and truthful look at the incredible story of Jesus and his life guiding, life changing message.
The truth in the story of Jesus is what Christians hold up as Gods’ Living Word in comparison to the Laws of Moses and the writings of Mohammed.
The strength of belief is super human. There is no measuring the strength of belief established in a fully mature expression of faith whether it comes from a Christian, Jewish or Islamic belief system or for that matter other religions.
Changing beliefs also requires superhuman achievement or divine intervention. Ultimately it must be rooted in a pursuit and desire to go in the direction of what is the truth.
The most controversial of these truths requires examination of three central figures: Moses, Mohammed and Jesus. If Jesus is who He claims, God made known to us in perfectness, albeit in a human form by all earthly standards, then He is delivering the truth.
Moses and Mohammed make no such claims to divinity. Their credence is empowered through direct wisdom from God.
Believing that Jesus too was ‘just’ a man makes the leap of faith that He asks for a much more difficult or even impossible decision to make.
Obeying Laws and measuring heavenly worth in deeds seem better measuring sticks of allegiance to God or Allah.
God as our all powerful creator and heavenly Father, would not mistakenly open the gates to our heavenly home by earthly means and actions. The truth is we must believe in what is not seen and know the truth that he sent Jesus for our eternal salvation.
Why Read the Bible
In his New York Times bestseller, The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren explores the question, What On Earth Am I Here For?
In answering that question he says our time on earth should be used to “practice” the kinds of things we will do during our eternal life in heaven and he defines those activities worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and evangelism.
Rick Warren quotes nearly a 1000 Bible verses from 15 different Bible translations in his book. He makes the case that the Bible is the Manual God provides so that we make the best possible use of our short time on earth.
Rick Warren has endeavored to broaden for his readers the meaning of Bible verses by comparing translations and paraphrasing in an attempt to let readers view Gods truth in a broadened perspective.
My incredible realization that the Bible provides every guideline to live the life God intends for us has been a springboard for me to work harder to fully understand this Manual.
I think I’m like a lot of people who consider themselves Christians. Through faith, I truly have accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior but in no way can I consider myself devoted to studying Scripture to a level where I freely quote it and intimately know the structure of the Bible.
In my mind I’ve often made the excuse that I just am not the kind of person who memorizes easily. And I am deeply moved when Scripture is explained and brought alive by people gifted with such ability. But I personally struggle to read and receive deep understanding when its just me and my Bible. It just always sounds better coming from someone else.
I don’t know if there are others like me….. I struggle with all Manuals unless they are very simply constructed with lots of simple drawings to explain the instructions. Most pieces of new technology that become available these days..and there’s a steady stream of them, come with a thick manual. I know that I manage to get the bare basics out of them but more often than not do not get the full understanding that is available.
So if I understand and believe that the Bible is the most important manual I will ever lay my hands upon I had better figure out how to use it to its maximum capability.
In knowing that it truly is Gods’ handbook for our lives, it is amazing how new and deeper meaning keeps coming out of its pages even as civilization challenges and expands the boundaries of knowledge at record pace.
I read Hemmingways’ explanation of good writing once. He described it as the ability to explain something very complicated in a simple easy to understand way. I think that is what God has done as He uses easy to understand examples to explain what He is trying to get across to us. But sometimes his examples are not easy to understand at least from a laymans point of view.
In answering that question he says our time on earth should be used to “practice” the kinds of things we will do during our eternal life in heaven and he defines those activities worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and evangelism.
Rick Warren quotes nearly a 1000 Bible verses from 15 different Bible translations in his book. He makes the case that the Bible is the Manual God provides so that we make the best possible use of our short time on earth.
Rick Warren has endeavored to broaden for his readers the meaning of Bible verses by comparing translations and paraphrasing in an attempt to let readers view Gods truth in a broadened perspective.
My incredible realization that the Bible provides every guideline to live the life God intends for us has been a springboard for me to work harder to fully understand this Manual.
I think I’m like a lot of people who consider themselves Christians. Through faith, I truly have accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior but in no way can I consider myself devoted to studying Scripture to a level where I freely quote it and intimately know the structure of the Bible.
In my mind I’ve often made the excuse that I just am not the kind of person who memorizes easily. And I am deeply moved when Scripture is explained and brought alive by people gifted with such ability. But I personally struggle to read and receive deep understanding when its just me and my Bible. It just always sounds better coming from someone else.
I don’t know if there are others like me….. I struggle with all Manuals unless they are very simply constructed with lots of simple drawings to explain the instructions. Most pieces of new technology that become available these days..and there’s a steady stream of them, come with a thick manual. I know that I manage to get the bare basics out of them but more often than not do not get the full understanding that is available.
So if I understand and believe that the Bible is the most important manual I will ever lay my hands upon I had better figure out how to use it to its maximum capability.
In knowing that it truly is Gods’ handbook for our lives, it is amazing how new and deeper meaning keeps coming out of its pages even as civilization challenges and expands the boundaries of knowledge at record pace.
I read Hemmingways’ explanation of good writing once. He described it as the ability to explain something very complicated in a simple easy to understand way. I think that is what God has done as He uses easy to understand examples to explain what He is trying to get across to us. But sometimes his examples are not easy to understand at least from a laymans point of view.
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